Book Tags and Lists · Bookish Ramblings

Emoji Book Tag

Emoji Book Tag

I found this tag on Beth@Reading every night while roaming around the web, and I thought it was original and fun… I had seen this before but not lately, so I decided to give it a try… Emojis represent some of our emotions and it should be easy to matched them with all the feel that our precious books cause us… right?? so let’s dive in… I chose most of my recent reads to keep my thoughts fresh…


  • The rules for this tag are simple; pick five emoji’s and then pick five books that fit them.

new-sassy-emoji-1   51Nsx8oDi0L._UY250_

When I read the blurb of this book I was intrigued by the older woman/younger man thing and the whole MC aspect of it… but it wasn’t what I was expecting at all… I was prepare for some smut as with most biker books I read but this was just too much…

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I’ve been in a little Fantasy slump, I just haven’t been in the mood for much fantasy lately but after I finished this book I just wanted more… It’s really a great story, and the sequel is coming out this month… I can’t wait…

cringeemoji-518118888-680x680  29386918

I’m equally excited and terrified by this book… high expectations and all that…

emoji-corazones   34851664._UY1500_SS1500_

This is how I feel whenever I read an Elle Kennedy book… she’s amazing and I love her stories.. This one was an awesome start for the new series…

flat,550x550,075,f.u3  unhinge-by-calia-read1

I have no words to say about this book … just mind blown..

Hope you guys enjoyed my matching emojis to books, it was fun to do and a little easier than I thought… If you feel inclined to do this tag feel free to do so… I Dare YoU!!!

As Always

Happy Reading


5 thoughts on “Emoji Book Tag

  1. Oh that emoji is a good way to describe Wildcard! I am so excited for that book but a little nervous at the same time because my expectations are sky high. Still I think Marie Lu will manage to meet them!
    Great picks for this tag, I’m glad you decided to take part. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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