ARCS and Requested Reviews · Bookish Ramblings · Fantasy · Reviews

Arcs and Requested Reviews – A Dragon’s Dyne by Brett Salter


Hey fellow bookworms, I know I haven’t been posting regularly, but in a way it’s not about quantity but quality… and today I have for you guys a book that made me sad because it’s the final book in a series that it’s been a joy to read and review… But I’m hopeful that there will be more to this world… Right Mr Salter?

Being the final book always comes with so much weight because ending a story is unbelievably hard to do… and one full of chivalry, adventure and all around epicness makes it 110% harder… But lucky for us readers … He pulled it off, so without further ado let’s dive in…

A Dragon’s Dyne by Brett Salter


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This last installment of the series is a thrilling adventure tying up all the threads for an epic conclusion to our heroes’ story.. It has it all… A captivating storyline, immersive world-building, epic battles, Found Family, heart-wrenching heroic moments and comedic timing that keeps it all well balanced and makes it an absolute delight to read.

We are transported to the thick of battle and, as with every book,  the author creates a vivid and cinematic picture in the reader’s mind that will keep you hooked until the very last page. I just loved how easy it is to get so invested in it, lost to the world while we fight with our friends … sort of speak. And ride Dragons to our hearts content… What’s not to love?

But it’s not just the amazing battle scenes and non-stop action  that makes this book so special. It’s the characters that we have grown to love and cheer for with their own motivations and flaws.. Their sarcastic humour (released exactly when it’s needed) gives us a little light through the darkness and seriousness of the situations they go through. We have become another partner throughout their journey, with each book watching them grow and become the valiant warriors that we find in this book.

So if you’re seeking escapism and excitement, look no further.. I’m not giving you more of the story just a piece of advice…

Do yourself a favour and pick up this series if you still haven’t and if you have just taken it to its epic and amazing conclusion… With the hope of more to come, because this world has so much potential for valiant tales and gripping adventures..


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As Always

Happy Reading


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