Bookish Ramblings · Discussions · Weekly Releases

Upcoming Releases that Caught my Eye – May 2023

I'm sorry my fellow bookworms if I'm not being as consistent when it comes to new releases as I used to be... There's a lot going on IRL and I'm also reading many of my past TBR add-ons... Yay for me! That's called progress from a reader's perspective. However, it doesn't mean that I'm blind… Continue reading Upcoming Releases that Caught my Eye – May 2023

Bookish Ramblings · Weekly Releases

Upcoming Releases that Caught my EYE – March 2023

Hey fellow bookworms, How's life? I know this post may be a little late since we are almost a week into March, but better late than never to talk about new possible bookish obsessions... right? I have been in my MM romance kick for the past few days and bingeing a few series... I blame:… Continue reading Upcoming Releases that Caught my EYE – March 2023

Bookish Ramblings · Discussions · Weekly Releases

Upcoming Releases that caught my Eye – February 2023

Hey bookworms, February is upon us.... Happy Lunar Year by the way (belated but still) and with it there's a lot of books coming out.. just like always. It sure makes our bookish hearts get excited. And that's exactly the point of this post.. This isn't a list of every book that's coming out in… Continue reading Upcoming Releases that caught my Eye – February 2023

Bookish Ramblings · Discussions · Weekly Releases

Upcoming Releases that Caught my Eye – January 2023

Happy Belated New Year my fellow bookworms! How's it going? Are all your reading goals and your bookish resolutions (that we most likely won't keep) set? Mine are.. kind of and I might discuss them in a future post (or not - I'm kind of playing by ear this year - not planning many things… Continue reading Upcoming Releases that Caught my Eye – January 2023