Bookish Ramblings · Top 5

Top 5 Reads – May 2024

Hey bookworms, you know the drill… New month, new set of favorites. May was a very slow reading month for me ( and June is starting with the same vibes but we’ll see.. it’s still early)

However, even with how little I managed to read; It was a quality over quantity kind of month, which to be honest I don’t mind at all. So, let’s get our fangirling hat on…and get to the Top 5 reads from May

I know, a controversial read and author but regardless of it, I quite enjoyed it. I was doing a buddy read with a friend who loves thrillers and it was so fun to dissect this craziness… Maybe that made so much more entertaining.

This was funny, cute and so hot. I’m trying to read the Unlucky 13/ Black Diamond multi-author series and I’m having a blast. There’s a very good mixture of fluffy cute and angst with this one. I was sucked in.

This was hilarious and so very cute. A wolf porn star that finds his mate in his human co star… what’s not to love, they were so sweet together and it’s unbelievably hot.

This was the breath of fresh air from the bunch, easy to read, awesome banter, low angst and just plain fun.

Every Breath After by Jessie Walker

And finally the star of last month. The one book that broke me and I loved every second of it. Just FYI don’t go into this book as a stand-alone if you want to get the full impact of this story you do need to dive into it from the start. It would be a disservice to you as a reader and to the author who crafted these found family so carefully.

Just be prepared to hurt, it will get better but it will hurt like hell at first.

How was your May? Let me know what you’ve been reading…


You can visit my Ko-fi page or and support my work… There are a few surprises there, Printable journals, bookish calendars, and a few other things coming up.. so check it out.

As Always

Happy Reading


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One thought on “Top 5 Reads – May 2024

  1. I loved Verity when I first read it. I was on the fence about how I felt about it after finishing it because of the reveal in the I’m not typically a fan of those types of things in books but after sitting on it for a few days I realized despite that reveal I was hooked from the beginning and loved my time with it. I wasn’t able to get to Pop Star last month but I plan on reading it this month instead.


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