Book Tags and Lists · Bookish Ramblings

Why I’m Weird Tag

Copia de Copia de Diseño sin título (2)

You guys know how much I enjoy looking for unusual Tags to share… because not many people actually tag me to do these things… weird, but okay… and I found the perfect one over @Feed your Fiction Adiction (go check out her blog it has so many interesting posts and collaborations and shout outs..don’t miss it)

It’s an easy tag to do where I have to list ten things that make me weird.. or unusual, or quirky… you understand… let’s jump right in

1.- I talk to my pets all the time… I know many furry baby owners do this but I mean like serious conversations… It’s crazy, I know but they are really good listeners… LOL

2.- I need Background noise when I’m reading… it can be music, or the TV, or radio… but it helps me concentrate better on what I’m doing…

3.- I love eating rice with Ketchup… is that really weird? I don’t really know…

4.- I tend to get obsessed with TV shows, Anime or Dramas… so much so that I binged them like crazy… it’s a seasonal thing… most times..

5.- I tend to not finish my sentences… as if people could understand what I mean — which if they are close friends they do but starngers really don’t… I guess I’m a woman of few words?


6.- I hate mornings, and I know it’s quite common but what I mean is that the least productive in the morning… which is sad because I have to work most mornings… It’s a struggle..

7.- I’m always doodleling when I talk, I need to keep my hands busy…

8.- I’m always quoting books, movies, songs.. which isn’t really weird but it’s odd for the person I’m talking with… they don’t get it…

9.- I’m halloween obsessed… I love the season, the costumes, the decorations, and all the horror vibe through the whole month…

I guess all I can do is 9 because I can’t think of anything else that could be weird or quirky… Don’t forget to tag me if you decide to do this tag I would love to get to know what makes you weird…

As Always

Happy Reading




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