Bookish Ramblings · Discussions

Diversity Trumps a Good Story?


Hello Everyone! Today I’m finishing up my ranting trifecta about Diversity in Media (mostly books, it’s my niche after all). I took a few days to practice some breathing exercises and to try to be as zen as possible; because this next topic really makes me mad (– It’s a 50 – 50 between Cultural appropriation nonsense and this one–).. and I don’t want to lose my cool.

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If you follow me, you know by now How I Feel About Diversity and Good representation in books and other media (If not you can find out here and here) I’m not against it…not at all, why would I be? (I’m in the minority after all) But I’m also not guns blazing For It either — not as It Is now…

In fact, there’s one point in this diversity debacle (I truly believe it’s become a debacle) that just makes my brain hurt…literally hurt.

A good storyline is worthless in the face of diversity and political correctness.

What? Yep! That statement seems to be coming truer and truer… Illogical as it may sound.

Let’s say you have an amazing idea for a comic, a book , a TV show… one with a surprising, engaging, inspiring plot line… A well-rounded set of characters, the most hilarious of banter.. The most sublime of love stories… Well researched historical facts… Sounds epic, right? Well, let me just burst your bubble because all that doesn’t matter.. whatsoever.. Unless you have checked the proper diversity boxes in your work… And If that affects the story you had in your head… Who cares, because we have diversity.

In fact, There’s one point in this diversity debacle (I truly believe It’s become a debacle) that just makes My brain Hurt…literally Hurt.

A Good storyline Is worthless in The face of diversity and political correctness.

What? Yep! that statement seem to be coming truer and truer… Illogical as it may sound.  

Let’s say you have an amazing idea for a comic, a book , a TV show… one with a surprising, engaging, inspiring plot line… A well-rounded set of characters, The most hilarious of banters.. The most sublime of Love stories… Well researched historical facts… Sounds epic, right?
Well, let me just burst your bubble because all that doesn’t matter.. whatsoever.. Unless you have Checked the proper diversity boxes in your work… And If that affects The story you had in your head… Who cares, because we have diversity.


I know some may think I’m exaggerating a bit, but sadly I’m not… There are plenty of examples out there in different media that support my concerns.. One of them being the promotional work done on an animated series produced by Crunchyroll called High Guardian Spice.. There’s not a hint of what the story is about because the only important point is that the cast of characters is diverse and that the team that works on it is also diverse… Story?? Plot?? Anyone??


And yes, I know this is an animated series… Not a book… However, this same approach has slowly been leaking its poison into all forms of media.. And The book World Is not exempt from trying to be (more like being forced to be) politically correct and box-checkingly diverse… Like in the case of High Republic Books… Because of course, diversity has to be held above relatable characters… who cares if we can relate as long as they fit in their box….Without falling into cultural appropriation, let’s not forget that… because we have to make those boxes as tiny as possible..


I sometimes feel that diversity is becoming like a hangman’s noose, slowly taking the life of a good story, because quite frankly, most times the result of those works that claim to be politically correct and diverse… Just ends up full of stereotypes and forced plotlines to merely justify themselves.


As a reader and consumer, I do care about the story. I want to know what it will be about. Will it interest me? Will it entertain me? because I want to be entertained.. I want to read and watch something good, and if it has a fulfilling message, all the better.. … And If it has a diverse set of characters that fit into the plot with good representation and development, regardless of who the writer is…awesome…I’m all For It..

But if it doesn’t , and yet it remains an entertaining story, that is also fine… I’m not a bad person for enjoying books that aren’t as diverse.. For liking my historical fiction correct.. For not always demanding to have all the boxes checked. And I shouldn’t be judged for it…

I shouldn’t be judged for even stating this opinion (I probably will be.. hopefully not..because I hate controversy).

I truly believe we need to think about what we really want to do with all this clamoring for political correctness and diversity in entertainment… Because we are losing focus on what is important and we are being left with mediocre work that helps no one… Not the public nor the ones who produce them..

It shouldn’t be one or the other… there are so many examples that use diversity as a complement to the story they are trying to sell and manage to deliver a fun and appealing work. I sincerely hope that this is just a face and that we find the balance we need because the way we are going is not looking well at all.


What do you guys think? Do you feel that diversity should be the priority instead of delivering a good story? Let me know in the comments below.

If you want to help me keep on creating content and making you at least smile a bit with my quirky posts and ranty opinions just  visit my Ko-fi page or and support my work..

As Always

Happy Reading


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