Bookish Ramblings · Discussions

How a Moody Reader Picks her Books… AKA ME

Foto 17-6-19 3 50 04 p.m.

I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of readers call themselves “moody readers” and why shouldn’t they… it’s only natural that we gravitate towards books that show how we are feeling at a specific moment, or maybe we just need something to lighten our mood somehow… or we need a tearjerkker that will gives us an epic cry…


So, picking books under this criteria should be simple enough, right? But it is not let me tell you… it takes time and effort to pick a book, or books based solely on mood… it goes something like this…

Moody Reader (AKA ME) thinks to herself:“I should pick a few books for my TBR but what am I in the mood to read?? Maybe some Fantasy?? but the last one I chose wasn’t so good and it kind of put me off a bit… Oh! But the sequel to that book I love is coming out so maybe I’ll read that one… But what if it’s a total disappointment … I hope not… maybe I should wait?? I’ll just pick something from my backlist and then see what picks my fancy…”


Sits down and scrolls through the many list of books that need to be organized on her tablet… ” Oh My God when did I bought this book?? I wasn’t even interested in it.. but now it kind of seems okay… Maybe I’ll put it on my TBR… And that sequel I wanted too, and maybe a reread of my favorite author would fit in … Oh there’s another that I have been dying to read … why haven’t I read yet?? And let me add something fluffy and fast… and maybe one that’s more on the darker side… Yep I think I finally managed a TBR that will fulfil my moody heart…”

A few days later… while working on the blog and checking new releases and reviews…

“Oh this book that just came out sounds so good… I’m reading that one… And I had forgotten about that fantasy series that is now complete and I can binge read… Yay!! And I’m kind of in the mood for a book about pirates.. do I even have one…” Once again scrolling down the reading app… “Here’s one and there’s also a retelling that I had forgotten about… Oh and a romantic suspense…”  and this goes on for some time until she finally sits down with the first fantasy book she had chosen … remember that one??


This pretty much goes on through the whole month.. with a few minor differences when I happen to be participating on a challenge or readathon… then the search becomes about trying to fit mood and prompts together and it doesn’t get pretty let me tell you…

Does this little story seem familiar to you? Are you as indecisive and moody as me.. or am I just a socially functional crazy person? — I tend to think that I am… Just let me know in the comments below…

As Always

Happy Reading



4 thoughts on “How a Moody Reader Picks her Books… AKA ME

  1. I’m a different kind of mood reader. I will get into a specific reading mood, and have to find a book based on that criteria. But a lot of the times I don’t even have a book that matches my craving! I’ll be in the mood for a light, fluffy romance, and look at my shelves only to have fantasies staring back at me! I think the key for me is having lots of option in the form of e-books that I can buy or check out from the library the moment I find a book that suits my craving. Great post!

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